Cross-Patch Farm is located in Freetown N.Y. , where my passion for pigs began as a kid. Farming has been in my blood since my grandparents had a dairy farm, only 1/4 mile from Cross Patch Farm. Back in 1974, my family’s barn burned. Although the barn was no longer, farming was already a part of me. My fascination for pigs began, in the south, when I was a teenager. While living in the south we raised pigs and I had a chance to show pigs thru FFA. I served in the United States Navy for 4 years, raised a family and finally in 2015 I had the means to raise some pigs back here on the homestead. I strive to provide the highest quality pig that gives my customers a product that has the combination of the most meat at market weight with the necessary fat and marbling, while still keeping the length to get the most bacon. We are dedicated to show pigs as well. There is so much excitement tying genetics together to produce a pig that can win in the show ring. My niece Jayden started showing pigs last year and I hope to continue to introduce our younger generations involved in Cortland County and surrounding areas.